Our Italian representative office Bronya, since this year, participate in the state program for the preservation of the historical appearance of buildings.
In addition to its thermophysical properties, Bronya thermal insulation perfectly retains its architectural appearance, protecting it from the effects of various atmospheric influences leading to the destruction of the object.
To participate in this program and the production of these works, the company must have a certain Certificate-Examination, confirming, in addition to all physical, thermophysical properties, allowing work on architectural buildings with Bronya. The certificate is not just a document confirming the capabilities of thermal insulation, but also a European Eco Label.
The photo report includes the first houses on which the Bronya gastrointestinal tract is applied at the end of summer; by the end of the year, it is planned, even judging by the amount of shipped products, dozens of buildings, and in total, hundreds of buildings are planned for the next three years.
It is also interesting that this work format is 110% funded by the Italian government. After the company spends on work and reports on its expenditure on material, upon completion, the government reimburses 110%.
We add that the combination of our vapor-permeable modifications - Bronya Facade NF, and Bronya Light NF, has been introduced and approved for use under this Italian state program.