Броня на страже ESG
"We from Russia export not just signs of compliance, but mechanisms for achieving ESG principles 🌍"
—- Alexander Boyarintsev
Environmental aspect

● We have 12 Patents for products and their application.
● We have conducted international registration of the trademark "BRONYA" in the countries of the Madrid Agreement, in all EU countries, in North America, Asia, in South Korea, Canada and the USA, in a number of Arab countries, in the CIS countries.
● We have entered the short list of the ESG Awards Russia 2022.
● Boyarintsev Alexander, Head of NPO Bronya LLC, is the winner of the prestigious XII All-Russian Expert of the Year 2023 Prize in the Science nomination.
● ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is implemented
● We have received the right to label our products with the logo "Made by Russia."
● We received an Environmental Certificate for a number of products "Leaflet of Life."
● European CE and Fire Certification Certification (15 documents): (We confirmed a record for reflecting radiant solar heat is 92% in the Italian laboratory EELab, Italy (the world record for laboratory non-produced paint is 94%)
● We have obtained certification in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hygiene in Poland, China, Korea.
● We have obtained certification in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hygiene in Poland, China, Korea.
● We reduce the carbon footprint every 20 l. a bucket of Bronya.
"Quality is an indicator of responsibility"
Social aspect
● Head of NPO "Bronya" Boyarintsev Alexander is the first winner Laureate of the National Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation "Quality Leader 2021."
● 8 years in a row LLC NPO "Bronya" is a winner "100 best goods of Russia."
● Three times the company entered the list of goods "Golden Hundred."
● Corporate and HR policies have been implemented.
● Bronya experts are involved in events of Rospatent, Russian Export Center, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Volgograd Region,GAU "My business", Administration of Volgograd region.
● Record number of employees participation in educational events of Russian Export Center, regional Export Support Center
● Personnel turnover rate < 10%.
● The company is the official sponsor of the children's football team, the Bronya Crimea basketball team, and the co-organizer of the largest Bike Show events.
● The company was awarded with the numerous letters of thanks "For high social responsibility and invaluable assistance in organizing charitable events"
“This environment that unites people in a common cause, where everyone feels part of the team and influences the development of the company ".
Governance aspect
"We have united all the cities of Russia and more than 50 countries of the world, more than 400 involved. We energize corporate spirits and engagement "
●Quality Management System is implemented
●ISO 9001:2015
● The Risk Management and Internal Control System is implemented.
● The dealer network of more than 300 representative offices in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the countries of the European Union, Asia, Africa, the Arab world, Latin and North America, in the CIS countries.
● We can provide a built system of interaction with Dealers
● We have a Dealer Training Center.
●We can provide a ready service (technical calculation of product consumption, promotional materials, brand book design, trainings, webinars, contests).
●Member of the national project "International Cooperation and Export"
●TWICE among the winners of the "Exporter of the Year" of the final stage of the All-Russian Award "Exporter of the Year."
●We have a great number of records for victories in the regional competition "Exporter of the Year in the field of high technologies."
Bronya specialists held a seminar "Branding algorithms for industrial enterprises" at the main office of the Bronya company.
We have registered our international trademark almost all over the world, So we supply products to more than 50 countries of the world.
We create the best conditions for our dealers, So our export shipments make 74% of all produced products.
We have developed a recognizable corporate style of advertising products, so our products are known and loved in all regions of Russia and abroad.
We not just create brand books full of more than hundreds of infographics, illustrations and banners, We develop the design of products for each export direction taking into account mentality and ethnic group.
We are at the peak of social responsibility and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, So, we are co-organizers of sports events and sponsors of football, volleyball, basketball teams and powerlifting competitions. We even have our own drift team.
We motivate and encourage the work of our colleagues and dealers, So every employee and dealer for us is a part of Bronya's big family.
Environmental Safety Selection Policy
Supplier Selection Policy
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