Our Italian Bronya dealers are working globally to expand the market and increasingly introduce Bronya materials into thermal insulation of large cottages and residential complexes, townhouses, including historical sites, monuments under the state program.
The Engineering Center regularly and massively conducts a serious, extensive training of technical specialists and painters to work with the material, which is ultimately reflected in an exceptionally professional and maximum quality result of work on completed projects.
One of these objects was a large, two-story cottage. We are pleased to present you a photo and video report of the work carried out on the thermal insulation of the facade. To reduce energy consumption for air conditioning, prevent heat loss in the cold season, and protect the facade of the house from aggressive external influences, as well as reduce carbon footprint while maintaining the architectural style, an absolutely non-combustible modification Bronya Facade NG was applied. The work was carried out using a Graco Mark V airless applicator, with a layer thickness of 1.5 mm. As a result, the house will retain its wonderful appearance for a long time, save the customer's budget, as well as comfort and warmth inside with absolute fire safety and maximum carbon neutrality! Russian technologies in the service of the global environmental mission
Today, our exclusive distributor Bronya Italy, Decorus, has more than 100 large sub-dealers of construction teams of various levels and hundreds (!!!) of completed projects by them, these teams have accreditation from us, permits for the application of Bronya materials, and such sub-dealers every month more and more, new and new sub-dealers, they are constantly trained and practiced on real objects.