Science and We
Together with scientists from Volgograd State Technical University (Department of Chemistry and Technology of Elastomer Processing), Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Department of Architecture), our production conducts research work related to the improvement of formulations and technologies, the development of new modifications and a detailed analysis of the quality of materials. Scientific supervisors are doctors and candidates of technical sciences, professors.
We are actively working to develop new materials and systems for more efficient problem solving. One of the essential areas of scientific activity is the analysis of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coatings of the "BRONYA" series in different conditions to identify the features of their work, as well as to find ways to improve the current component composition.
In 2012, we received the conclusion of the Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with confirmation of ALL the declared thermophysical characteristics, including the coefficient of thermal conductivity.
It is not superfluous to note that our scientific activity began with the development of the principles of the material. More details about how and by what principles the BRONYA works:
To begin with, there are three ways to transfer heat:
1. Thermal conductivity is the transfer of heat in a solid due to the kinetic energy of molecules and atoms from a more heated to a less heated part of the body.
2. Convection is the transfer of heat in liquids, gases, bulk media by the flows of the substance itself.
3. Radiant heat exchange (thermal radiation) is electromagnetic radiation emitted by a substance and arising due to its internal energy.
Thermodynamics is a science that studies the laws of interconversion and energy transfer. The result of these processes is a temperature equilibrium in the entire system.
The method and efficiency by which the insulating material blocks the redistribution of heat, i.e. the process of temperature equilibrium, and determines the quality of insulation.
Heat transfer is a convective or radiant heat exchange between the surface of a solid and the environment. The intensity of this heat exchange is characterized by a heat transfer coefficient.
Liquid ceramic thermal insulation material BRONYA is a complex, multi-level structure in which all three methods of heat transfer are minimized.
Ceramic heat insulator consists of 80% microspheres, respectively, only 20% of the binder can conduct heat due to its thermal conductivity. The other part of the heat is accounted for by convection and radiation, and since the microsphere contains discharged air (the best insulator, after vacuum), the heat loss is not great. Moreover, due to its structure, the material has a low heat transfer from the surface, which plays a crucial role in its thermophysics.
Thus, it is necessary to separate two terms: Insulation and Heat insulator, because in these materials the physics of the heat transfer process is different:
insulation - the principle of operation is based on the thermal conductivity of the material (min. plate)
thermal insulator - mostly based on wave physics.
The thickness of the thermal insulation layer of the ultrathin thermal insulator BRONYA varies from 1 to 6 mm, the subsequent increase practically does not affect its effectiveness.
The quality of our product was appreciated by more than 1000 enterprises in Russia and abroad. You can find confirmation of this in our section "Acts, reviews, conclusions", which contains more than 350 reviews from leading enterprises in various fields of activity, such as energy, oil production and processing, CBM, construction, etc. It is not superfluous to note that most of these enterprises have accredited laboratories at their disposal, which, before using our products en masse, subjected it to the most thorough tests for compliance with the declared characteristics with real indicators!