Good afternoon friends! We present to you a report on the work carried out to insulate the apartment from our dealer Bronya Amur in the city of Blagoveshchensk using Bronya Facade. When repairing the apartment, the task was to insulate the walls in order to eliminate freezing and reduce energy consumption for heating in the cold season. After consulting with the dealer, the client decided to insulate the walls with vapor-permeable thermal insulation Bronya Facade. At first it was primed, the Universal Armor was primed. Then 2 mm was applied in layers of 1 mm with interlayer drying for at least 24 hours. After the wallpaper was glued, the Bronya Facade material is ideal for gluing, on top of the wallpaper, but if desired, it can be an excellent finish, since the surface turns out to be perfectly smooth. The client was very satisfied.