Our Italian dealers continue their large-scale activities in the implementation of Bronya materials in large projects for the renovation of large residential complexes.
Today we want to present you a photo and video report of the work carried out on the thermal insulation of the facade of a large two-story townhouse, one of the objects of global work on a residential complex. To save heat, save energy costs for heating and air conditioning in the warm season, Bronya Facade NG was applied in several layers with a total thickness of 1.5 mm. the last, finishing layer was tinted in a pleasant peach shade, for the back of the building, according to the approved design of the project, a different shade was selected. The material was applied using a conventional paint brush and an airless machine. It is difficult to overestimate the excellent result and the transformation of the appearance of the object, the Bronya material once again confirmed its exceptional thermophysical properties.